Monday, March 15, 2010

The Big Four(Assembler,Basic,Pascal and C/C++)

It was my first year in highschool when we had an informal orientation of learning a basic computer concepts it was then that I experienced operating a computer - an 8086 AT IBM computer(atlast ! the real keyboard not a dashboard drawing).Fresh from my memory as I was able to remember those weird techy things, I took my first programming lesson way back our third year in highschool. Well, we're a little bit fortunate because our school was supervised by an Italian priesthood(Sumascan order ) and the technology that they had were unselfishly shared to us.

We we're taught a couple of languages: one was GWBASIC and another one was the Pascal 3.0 (I wish I had that right version).I found an easiness of GWBASIC's usage -why? oh,perhaps from the word itself it is "basic" .Alas! We had then the first unforgetable "Hello World" and several program statement;" Enter 1st Number" plus "Enter the 2nd Number" and " The Sum is:" there all begun our world of programming from cut and paste to syntax modifications.

So after our high-school graduations, and serious life was soon eminent to be faced of; I took computer engineering course becuase I really miss computering.During my college, burning eyebrows there was only one rule I insidted my self to stick learning into-"Explore the BIG 4". I am pertaining to the most important computer languages I should have to study (burning eyebrows as I've said) very well: Assembler,Pascal,Basic and C.

Assembly language made me appreciate computer architecture ,Pascal hits me to the extremities of graphical User interface as Super Mario then was so popular computer games-and to inform you it was developed in Pascal. But as oppurtune knocked the door for computer programmer s I'ved realized then that there were changes in maket demand of software programming ;VB6 and a VC++ for application programer and a C origin JAVA++ for a WEB programmer . VB6 dominate much on Database programming wich included killer apps : interface to ADO,MSQL,MSACCES and etc.VC++ and it continous revision with its excellent platforms such device drivers,libraries and addons beside C/C++ entices the majority of the use of computing research to almost University/Insitutions ( a middle level class of programming).

In my own analogy that is business and MicroSoft had supported these two programming languages and included to its package accesories-Visual Sutdio. It was not so surprising becuase MS Windows was built in C and so was its rival OS Linux.Though of such cases Pascal now caveat is Delphi and Assembly never joined the competitions except it play as a useful programming tool to hardware embedded programming. Sometimes Assembler is being used as an inline interface to its 3 contemporaries compiler or interpreter-BASIC,PASCAL and C/C++.

So , what I learn through it was that somehow this " Big 4" really influenced our digital world -nonetheles the syntax the logic and functions.

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