Monday, November 22, 2010

Digital Camera Programming (VC++ /VB6)


Hello to eveyone,as I was continuing the develoment of RoBook Scanner project I've experienced a lot of unexpected technical problems which needed to be resolved by myself. Actually, I am confident that the project design is almost completely done aside from the proof of concept implementations - a working prototype.
Eversince, the Decapod Team had some gap/delays on the release of their new software (Decapod 5.xx) I had decided to reworks the available Decapod softwares (until now its unchanged-oh am sad) though, it could be a very painstakingly task of debugging it from scratched- I beleive in a long run it would be fullfilled .So,I have no choice ,but to initiate programming my own program SDK in RoBook Camera as soon as possible; weew! days are coming to fast and 2010 would be over -a redemption ,my project deliverables(Scanner).
I have just realized its very hard to download and depend on the availble drivers /softwares of some cameras on the net.My option, is to study the interface protocols that made the camera communicate with PC's and search for a free source code too .Luckily I've found some few codes and documents: Layer 1 Protocol and Picture Transfer Protocl -ofcourse using USB port.Both of the two protocos are still used today but PTP is a more recoginized protocol for all available still cameras.
To appreciate the works of some geeks (very useful article!) here I listed some of thier webiste.
Well, I have to enumerate the least strategy to keep time from being wasted and here are my own suggestions.
1) Download Canon Powershot SDK,RAW software.
2) Convert VC++ to VB6 and enhance some DLL
3) Parsing the minimal but primary functions on camera remote capturing (pictures/images)
4) Use two cameras in just a single PC
5) Do the tricking & tweaking (OCR,Imaging )
1) Convert VB6 made program in Windows to Linux
..and that is it!



